Our News
The Institute for Creation Research is thankful for the ongoing love you show for us both financially and in your prayers. Your generosity is being used by the Lord Jesus in countless ways in churches, Christian schools, and colleges both near and far.
Many of you have expressed appreciation that since our founding ICR has never adopted a high pressure or Madison Avenue approach to soliciting funding for our ministry. We're confident that you're mindful of us and, through you, the Lord Jesus has faithfully supplied.
Some of our long-time supporters have recently received email appeals soliciting funds for creation-science related projects. In addition, the name ICR was used in the emails and some supporters got confused as they thought that ICR was asking for money on behalf of other organizations. We have received numerous contacts asking if ICR was sending these emails. These rogue requests are not originating from ICR. Please know that ICR will never make monitory solicitations by email. We do not support, and cannot recommend supporting, these unofficial, outside requests. We sincerely apologize for any confusion.
We believe that all requests for support should be unambiguous, ethical and marked by actions of the highest integrity. ICR is a long-standing accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. All of our requests come through the U.S. Postal Service, are bar coded, are printed on ICR letterhead, and are signed by me or the President. Just so you know our annual timetable, this is our limited schedule of requests for support.
- Spring and Fall update and appeal -
- Christmas / End of Year Gift appeal -
Supporters always have the opportunity to give through the receipts we send and the gift envelopes attached to Days of Praise or Acts & Facts.
We were also asked by some or if ICR sells or shares our mailing list. We have not and will not. We protect our donor's and subscriber's sensitive information with the highest security. Since our inception we have not had anyone from outside of ICR break/hack into our files and steal our information. ICR leadership strictly governs how information is shared internally. Even our accounting and donor relation staff have a limited, need-to-know access, to your sensitive information. Thank you for letting us explain our philosophy and policies. We feel that they honor the Lord Jesus.
Again, thank you for the love you have shown for our Lord Jesus Christ's biblical creation ministry. You are helping to minister biblical creation truth to men and women across the globe. We praise God for your vital partnership in this critical work. Please feel free to contact me (Cell: 817-879-4179) with any questions about ICR financial activities or endorsements.
Love in the Creator,
Charles (Chas) C. Morse, D. Min
Director of Donor Relations